Groundbreaker Women Talent Scholarship in ICT

Sedrick Otolo

10/16/20232 min read

Imagine a program tailored to empower young African women, aged 18 to 25, who share a deep passion for technology. Envision an opportunity that breaks down financial barriers, providing a full-time scholarship in Software Engineering, and guiding these students towards success in the digital age. This is precisely what the Groundbreaker Talents Scholarship Program represents.

Empowering Uganda's Youth

Uganda's youth represent a wellspring of untapped potential, particularly when it comes to shaping the future of the IT industry. The Groundbreaker Talents Scholarship Program serves as a vital talent pipeline, designed to mentor and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds, helping them take their first steps into the world of technology. The aim is to equip these young women with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Access to Valuable Skills

Access to education and the acquisition of essential skills are fundamental to shaping the future of any nation. The Groundbreaker Talents Scholarship Program understands this well and strives to provide opportunities that may otherwise remain out of reach for many young African women. By offering a full-time scholarship in Software Engineering, the program equips students with the technical know-how needed to excel in the tech industry.

A program of this magnitude doesn't operate in isolation. Partnerships are instrumental in extending the reach and impact of the Groundbreaker Talents Scholarship Program. They are proud to collaborate with organizations and institutions that share our vision of empowering young African women through technology education.

How to Apply

Now that you understand the significance of the Groundbreaker Talents Scholarship Program and the mission, you are invited you to take the first step towards a brighter future.

Who Can Apply?

  • Young African women aged 18-25.

  • Passionate about tech.

  • Facing financial constraints to access education.

  • Available full-time from January to December 2024.

  • High School graduates (S.6) with relevant documents.

  • Residents of Uganda or refugee communities in Uganda.

  • Proficient in spoken and written English.

  • Not currently pursuing a bachelor's or diploma.

To explore this life-changing opportunity, please reach out to the Groundbreaker Team for inquiries at:+256 756948969 +256 784462913

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? We encourage you to apply online through the official Groundbreaker Talents Scholarship Program application form

Deadline 1 November 2023

The Groundbreaker Talents Scholarship Program